Here are some more photos from our thursday gig... Shaun, our drummer, was in excruciating pain- thought he was going to faint... had to take vicoden... or however you spell that... Anyway, took him to the doctor the next day and it turned out he had five cysts in his lower back. Nurse grabs me from the waiting room and takes me INTO the f***ing surgery room where I find myself staring down at a gaping hole in Shaun's back, and then she has to teach me how to pack gauze in it. Nearly fainted... Truthfully supremely astounded that I didn't faint- actually went completely fuzzy at one point, but I could still hear what was going on around me... managed to keep it together and get the hell out of the hospital without letting shaun know how gnarly the procedure was. The photo of us playing up there, where I appear to be looking up at the ceiling like a doofus, we actually happened across- Some photographer featured us on their portfolio site, pretty cool- that was our tuesday gig. On thursday I got to play a baby grand in a packed art gallery. Oober rad. And the fat rumply bundle of pug-love over there was hanging out in the gallery. He hates soundcheck, and growls while people make pointless noise, but play a cohesive melody and the little fucker goes right to sleep.
Also felt it would be interesting to include a picture of shauny hopped up on V's. Hahahaha look at his eyes. So funny. He played very well considering.
Finally, the picture of the picture of cats was in the waiting room at the lab where we took the doom cysts in for testing... took the picture mostly to keep from passing out, but also because I thought it was hilarious. Hope it makes you smile.
Two posts in one week. I'm getting crazy up in here!
All my love,
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