Wow oh wow oh wow.
There are no words to express what I'm feeling right now. Life is so fucking great, and for the first time, I really feel like I'm taking my dreams by the horns and steering them with determination in the right direction. I'm realizing as I stare out the five picture windows in the gorgeous room I'm staying in, that from this point forward my life will never be the same again.
To my left are thick woods with tall pines, and beyond are the tiny lights of downtown Victoria. In the morning I wake up with the sun rise and pull out a sketchbook to doodle and get my gears rolling. I hear Theresa take Melody off to school, and eventually I wander out to the kitchen, where Joby makes me a Cafe Americana or two before I start warming up. By eleven, we've done enough laying around and drinking coffee, and we set in on our work.
Yesterday we worked from about 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. (With a lunch break and some tea breaks of course. :) ) We tracked the piano and vocals for five songs, one of which was Sheep Jumping Fences - that is to say that I've finished the hard part with the song that I feared would be the biggest challenge- now it's all the fun parts.
I played my first fender rhodes yesterday and it was so awesome. Had to hit it like a man, because I have soft piano hands, but considering, I did alright. Today we have one more piano track to cover, and then we move on to the guitar songs. I can't believe how quickly we've been working, and Joby is so wonderful and stoked on the project. He can't wait to get on a drum set for these tunes, and I can't wait either.
Here are some photos of the drive, and Melody's hand made tree house, which I felt was astonishing. She reminds me of me when I was little, and I have such an affinity for Joby's beautiful daughters. Felicity is such a great person, and she's so polite and willing to help. This family is so communicative and beautiful, and I'm just so impressed with the life they lead up here. Theresa thanked me profusely for the check I owed her when I showed up, and I just kept thinking, "you're thanking me for paying you what you have earned as if it were so generous of me to pay you for what I agreed to pay you for..."
God I love these people.
Thinking of you all, and keeping you updated. Joby filmed me recording "Sheep Jumping Fences," and I recorded myself tracking "I Know You Better." Neither of the videos are of the take we actually used, but they're still fun because you can see where I'm sitting with the grand piano- which is, by the way, a C Series Yamaha, none other than my absolute DREAM piano. I nearly pissed on the floor when I saw it. It's sitting in a great picture window in their living room, next to a fireplace, looking out over the forest. Gorgeous. And in the morning I hear geese and hummingbirds. The hummingbirds run rampant here.
Okay, all my love to you crazy cats. I'll write more soon!
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